New Here?

We're excited to invite you to join us at church this Sunday!

Sunday School
9:00 am

Morning Worship
10:15 am

5805 Jones Creek Rd.,
St. George, Louisiana 70817

Frequently Asked Questions

You can enter Woodlawn Baptist Church's parking lot from the south or from the north and park directly in front of our Sanctuary.

If joining us for Sunday School, please enter the front of our Education Building where you will meet one of our greeters who will be available to help answer any questions and help you navigate our facility. If joining us for Sunday morning worship, please enter the front of our Sanctuary where you'll find information and resources about Woodlawn Baptist Church and our ministries. Here, someone will be available to answer any questions and help you navigate our facility. If you need assistance, one of our friendly greeters can direct you to these helpful resources.

We use a computerized check-in at Woodlawn Baptist Church for our Children's minisry. It is our objective to simplify and expedite the process without compromising the safety of your children. This Document will help to familiarize you with our procedures, in addition to identifying the check-in location near the Children’s Ministry hallway in the Education Building. If you have a child in one of the nursery or toddler classes, we use mobile phone text messaging. This will give you peace of mind as you are in Sunday School or the Worship Gathering to know that your child's teachers can notify you anywhere in the building through text message.

We have small group bible study available for all ages. Here you will find a list of all the classes and classroom numbers. You will notice that adults have a number of options, so we encourage guests to feel free to try various classes before deciding which one is right for them. Please feel free to connect with Pator Lewis and he can help you determine which Sunday School class is best for you. Please visit the front foyer of the Education Building for help in finding the various classes and rooms.

Our morning gathering begins at 10:15 a.m. and is about an hour and a 1/2 long. You will see people from different walks of life, ethnicities, and ages. The music you will hear from Sunday to Sunday spans hundreds of years of church history. We firmly believe in carrying on the time tested truths of the great hymns of our faith. However, we cannot neglect scriptures command to "Sing to the Lord a new song!" The focus of our musical worship is all about supporting the congregational involvement and making much of God. We do our best to be intentionally multigenerational in our selections. Our service is also marked by Scripture reading and prayer. If you don't have a Bible, there is one for you at your seat - feel free to take it as our gift to you. We encourage you to reflect carefully on what is read and join us in praying together as a church. Children (K-1st) are dismissed to a dedicated children's teaching after the final song before the sermon. When you see the choir leaving the platform, that is the cue to take your children to the appropriate location. The largest portion of our service is devoted to teaching the Bible. Our sermons are generally 40-50 minutes in length and typically focus on a particular passage in the Bible that will be explained. A page in our weekly bulletin is dedicated for you to take down the main points and any relevant points for further and future reflection. At the conclusion of our service, we sing a song that helps us to appropriately respond to what we have heard in the teaching. Our pastors will be available to meet with you following the gathering in the sanctuary or foyer.

From August through April, our evening gatherings take at 5:00 pm and devoted to discipleship. Our LifeGroups meet for approximately an hour long and have a focus on reflecting more deeply on our Bible reading plane, the Sunday School lesson, the sermon, prayer, and accountability.

We believe wholeheartedly in the importance of meaningful church membership. We don't desire to be a church where people just come on Sunday mornings, hang out, then leave and never engage again during the week. We take seriously what Luke writes in Acts 2:42-47 and what we read from the writer of Hebrews 10:23-24. the Bible consistently shows us how much we need the local church in our lives. For you to be loosely connected to a local church means you will be missing out on one of God's greatest blessings on earth.

If you do have interest in joining our church, we would love to connect with you and walk through any questions you might have. We typically spend time meeting with you and getting to learn more about your story. We want to know how you came to faith in Christ and about how God has gifted you to serve. We will also spend time walking through some resources about the hallmarks of a healthy church and why the Gospel is such a big deal. 

If you want more information about Church Membership click this button below:
