
Woodlawn Baptist Children's Ministry 

Welcome to Woodlawn Children! We believe that children are a blessing from the Lord (Psalm 127:3). Our desire is to lead our children, that the living Lord Jesus has entrusted to us, in a way that is pleasing to Him. We strive to help kids CONNECT with God, GROW in their faith, SERVE Him and GO into the world with the Gospel of Christ. We also seek to equip parents to be the primary disciplers of their children (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). Take a look below and see how each of our ministries helps us fulfill this purpose.

Bible Study

Every Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. we have Bible study groups for children of all ages. The Bible is essential for instructing our children about salvation and in equipping them to serve the Lord (II Timothy 3:14-17). We are currently using Bible Studies For Life curriculum.  

Bible Study Teachers:  

Babies - Vicki Aime, Cassie Bozeman, Andrea Parsons, Julie Walker 
1s - Ruth Payne and Kathy Powell 
2s and 3s - Laura Krone, Tessa Krone, Carlie Lindsay 
4s and K5 - David and Kirstie Stokes 
1 and 2 Grades - Billy and Janell Tynes 
3 and 4 Grades - Janet Earlywine and Kim Ricks 
5 and 6 Grades - Zach and Dana Truitt

Extended Session & Children's Church 

During our 10:15 Sunday morning worship gathering, we have several options for young families. Children are always welcome to remain with their parents in the worship gathering.  

Our church nursery is staffed with trained workers for babies.  

We have Extended Session (ES) for one, two, and three year olds. We have a rotation of volunteers that staff this area of ministry.  

Pre-kindergarteners, kindergarteners, and first graders are provided the opportunity to attend Children's Church. Children will participate in the corporate worship gathering with their parents. Then before the sermon begins, children will meet our Children's Church teachers at the entrance to our Education Building and be escorted to the Assembly Room. Children have a time of singing worship songs, offering, and a Bible lesson from The Gospel Project curriculum. During their three years in Children's Church, children will be taught the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

Children's Bible Drill

On Wednesday evenings from October through April at 5:00 pm, fourth, fifth, and sixth graders are welcome to join us in the Assembly Room for Children's Bible Drill taught by Janet Earlywine.  

Drillers spend time each week memorizing books of the Bible, key passages, and memory verses as well as the plan of salvation. 

Our drillers compete each spring in Church Drill, District Drill, and State Drill.

Parents' Night Out 

Parents, we know that life can be crazy busy! We also know that it can be tough for parents to get some time alone. Parents' Night Out at Woodlawn Baptist is a great way for you and your spouse to have a night alone while your kids have a blast at church. Please check below for our next Parents' Night Out event. We look forward to seeing you!


The purpose of Awana is to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and train them to serve Him. During club each week, children learn through a teaching time, memorize God's Word during their Awana handbook time, and enjoy a high energy game time.  

Our Awana clubs meet from 6:15pm until 8:15pm on Wednesday evenings from September through May.  

We have clubs for children ages 2 (by September 30) through 6th grade: 

Puggles - 2 years old (parents must remain on church campus - ends at 7:00pm) 
Cubbies - 3 and 4 years old (parents must remain on church campus - ends at 7:45pm) 
Sparks - Kindergarten through 2nd grade 
T&T Girls - 3rd through 6th grades girls 
T&T Boys - 3rd through 6th grades boys

Awana for the 2024-25 year is in full swing!! It is never too late to register your clubber for our current Awana year. Make plans to join us in our Family Life Center on any Wednesday evening throughout the school year. Please come to our gym to register your clubber between 6:15-6:30pm on any Wednesday. 
